Monday, January 17, 2011

No One Reads This Anyways...

Except my mother-in-law...hello Marlene! It is Martin Luther King day already. My boss gave me the day off to reflect and do service work. He, however, then mentioned that meant laundry and cleaning up the PBR cans in the kitchen.

I have had quite the weekend. Honestly, I was not going for this type of weekend when Friday rolled around. Friday turned into drinks with our new friend Chad - a rad biker guy that we met in the prairie of stars. He showed us around, talked bikes, and somehow convinced my husband that he is going to race in the Birkie. Truthfully, I love the idea of hubs being excited for a new passion. I think he needs something to look forward to relating to fitness. Plus, Chad seems like a really cool fella, and I think he and hubs will make good friends.

So Friday...drinks.

Saturday rolls around, and we both slept in. We couldn't decide what we wanted to do. I wasn't feeling so hot, so we lazily had breakfast and then hubs went to work on our snowmobile that needs some TLC. In the evening, we went to our friend Chauncy's holiday party. (It was originally slated for the night of that huge snowstorm.) Hubs played sober cab, so I played cab sauv.


Sunday rolls around, and I was really proud of myself. Two evenings of the sauce, and zero hangover. It is a true artform to enjoy a great buzz and not pay the consequences the next morning. (I think Miss April knows what I'm sayin')

Hubs went skate skiing with new BFF Chad. I went to the movies with my galpal Jess. The Dilemma was actually really entertaining. I enjoy Vince Vaughn, therefore I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Got home, starving, and had an apple. I had every intention of sitting on the bike for the following hour, and then showering and going to bed. Instead, we had C-Had and Chauncy both over. It was like a recap get-together.


I'm not hungover, pleasantly. I'm just tired and spacey. Contrary to everyone my age, I've never had the desire to drink for an entire weekend. Once or twice, maybe I had a drink the day after, but never plural. And because of this little weekend, I feel a little strange.

Oh well, thankfully it is Monday and Mondays always bring a chance to start fresh.


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