Hubs meandered in from his day with the usual workplace gossip...this dude was snarky...this random rocket part did this thing...and then he mentions someone asked about what I do all day with my time. The person who asked is actually pretty funny, but it resonated with me because I hear it all the time. "What do you do all day?" - always said in an accusatory tone laden with either annoyance or jealousy. Well, you asked for it. I am going to give the people what they want! You want to know what the adorable Sam does with her time? You got it, bitches!
5:30 AM KQRS begins to blare from my iHome. It is an everyday occurrence during the week. It signals me to roll over, place my hand on his shoulder, and whisper "GET UP SUGAR DADDY! I HAVE EXPENSIVE TASTE!"
6:30 After sending my man off with breakfast, lunch, snacks, hugs, kisses and appreciation, I have two choices. I either snuggle back into bed for an hour or so, or I choose option B and stay awake. Today, I really wanted to snuggle in, but my mind was already in full-force and begged me to get up and move. So I did.
6:30-8:30 Right away I hopped in the shower. A clean and pretty Sam makes for a happy Sam. I then got to my chores. That's right, I have chores. I'm a housewife, duh. I made the bed, straightened up the clothes hubs left in a rushed trail to get out the door. Then I collected all of the dirty clothes and got my little tush down to the laundry room where I sorted and folded and tra la la. After making sure things were washing, I skipped merrily up the stairs to the main level, where I start up iTunes. My phone rings and I have a ten minute conversation with a friend of mine who is sweet and wanted to know if I needed to vent.
8:30-12:30 With iTunes DJing my morning, I got to work on the entryway I am redoing. I asked hubs if I could spend a little chaching and make it more welcoming. So after scraping tons of popcorn ceiling off, and suffering through the aftermath of hubs sanding the high spots (which left 1/4 inch of dust sitting on EVERYTHING in the ENTIRE house, including inside cupboards and closets), today I had the task of painting the ceiling and prepping the walls. And that's my morning.
12:30-2:30 Making lunch for myself is one of my favorite things about being a housewife. Here's today's recipe:
Chicken & Black Bean Salsa
This one is simple and the calorie count is awesome. I take one chicken breast, thawed, and grill it. Grilled chicken is one of my favorite ways to get protein. And at 120-200 calories per serving (depending on what you buy) - it won't kill your caloric budget. For you veggies out there, you can brown some tofu and use it in the same recipe.
In a medium heated skillet, I put a little extra virgin olive oil misted on the surface. I slice 1/8th of a red onion and let it sizzle until brown. Sometimes, if I'm drinking a coke zero (like I was today) I use coke instead of oil. I then either use one fresh tomato, or a can of stewed tomatoes. Empty can or cutting board into the skillet. Then I put one cup of black beans (67 cents at walmart, fo-sho!) and add it to the mix. Fresh cilantro thrown in will add some flare. After the mix comes to a low boil, I add the chicken in for about 5 minutes...I like how it soaks up some of the tomato juice.
Then I serve it on a pretty plate so I feel ritzy.
While I eat my not-even-400 calorie lunch (that fills an entire plate) - I Hulu'd the last episode of Biggest Loser. I watch that show whenever I get a chance. Those people inspire me...and today was a day I definitely needed a little inspiration.
After I eat, I meander back down to the laundry room to fold and change loads. This usually takes about 15 minutes or so, including putting the clothes away upstairs. God forbid hubs doesn't have the right socks or jeans for work...he gets quite crabby!
2:30 Today I headed down to my studio to work on some music. I am making progress on my second album. Today's task was to work on some harmony parts for my latest song "The Situation". It's a 60s vibe song and I am struggling with finding smart and catchy ways to transition some parts. I hunkered down in my wonderful creative space for about an hour.
2:47 In studio, I have Gmail and Facebook up. My Gmail lit up with a new email from a potential sponsor. They have expressed interest in having me race for them, and if they go for the proposal I sent in response, it would cover my entire season once again. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed. And Steve, in case you're reading this, that's INCOME baby.
3:30ish Get in Caddy, shift from first to second and hit the road. I know I'm not going far, but I just love hearing that engine purr in 4th. But I'll be good and not pass the van going 50. I'll shift into 6th and float happily behind. I have to go to Wal*Mart (I know, but it's the closest thing here with fresh produce and people watching). I have an idea for dinner but I need a couple things. So I shop for about an hour. Walked in needing asparagus and errr, things from the pharmacy department...and stuck to my list...minus one or two measly little clearance shirts that screamed "SAM!"
4:30 Sam home. Shortly thereafter, hubs walks in. Tells story of people thinking I spend my day eating bonbons and Facebooking. I begin to make dinner. Want the recipe? I bet you do!
Mushroom Chicken with spinach couscous and blanched asparagus
I know, I just had chicken. But it's not my fault it's so tasty! Hubs wanted it, and hubs always gets what he wants for dinner. This time, instead of grilling, I broke the two breasts into smaller chunks and sauteed them in zero calorie cooking spray...NOM! (Haha.) For the mushroom sauce, I use cream of chicken low-sodium soup and fresh mushrooms and garlic. Let the garlic cook in the pan first, so it smells like heaven! Of course, I threw more cilantro in there because it's fabulous.
While that is cooking, I make the couscous. Mmm! My favorite. I usually just buy a box of the plain stuff (rice aisle) and mix in some sort of veggie. Tonight, I used a can of spinach. Always remember the juice from whatever vegetable counts towards the liquid you make the couscous with. So, if it says 2 cups of water, and you have a can of spinach that has about that in liquid, you only need one cup of additional water! I let the spinach water mixture come to a boil, and then put the couscous in. Follow directions to finish the process.
While the cous del la cous is, errr, cousing, I boil water to blanch the fresh asparagus. Remember, it's done when bright green!
After everything is hot and ready, serve so it looks beautiful and tricks your mind into thinking you're getting an amazing treat, instead of a healthy meal!
6:15 Dinner is finished, and hubs keeps making silly grin face that tells me he wants some love. I quickly do the dishes (I forgot to mention, I am a stickler for dishes. Unless I am sick, or victim of a zombie apocalypse, my sink is always clean). Snuggle up with hubs, and fall asleep. We both wake around 7:40 and look at one another. I remind him that we both have been under a lot of stress and our bodies probably are begging for sleep. I can tell mine did, because I was out like a light. My calves have just been shot, and it felt so good to rest them and sprawl.
9:10 I wake up, and remind myself a possibly-nationally sponsored mountain bike racer doesn't skip training sessions. Hubs keeps sleeping, and I quietly make my way downstairs to grab my heart rate monitor. Shorts on. Jersey on. Shoes on. Checking Facebook and chewing a piece of Big Red gum. Motivationless. I text two of my people begging for a kick in the ass. Amy replies. She is always good for some motivation. She tells me to get my ass down on that bike. So I do.
9:30-11:00 An hour spent on the Specialized. The rest of the time with P90x arm work. Want a playlist for your spinning routine? Of course you do!
Warm up: Lebanese Blonde / Thievery Corporation
Spin easy, letting your legs acclimate to the idea of not checking facebook. Watch your heart rate, or monitor your RPE, and bring it up to about 130 BPM. Stretch your arms a little, drink some water. Get in the mantra. Try stretching your calves by pointing your toes down for 15 seconds, then flattening and extending your feet in an upward position. All set?
Accelerator and hill climb block: Fort Knox and Hold Tight / Goldfish
These two songs blend perfectly. Start with Fort Knox and ramp up. I've always been used to a numeric tension... 1 being absolutely zilch. 10 being the hardest, most difficult climbing tension you can handle. 3 is a good ramp start number. Move through the song in repetitions of this pattern:
3, jog, run, sprint.
4, jog, run sprint.
5, jog, run, sprint!
By the end of Fort Knox, you should find yourself at a 5...trudging through. Hold Tight - it's a six and half minute song. Perfect for climbing (it was my marathon training song last year and a constant driver for me to move my tucchus). Work your way up the climb, increasing tension and standing up as you feel the song change. I'm a very musical person, and can sense changes and beats. If this is difficult for you, I suggest listening to the songs in advance and following timed cues. Hubs had to do this for his classes because he cannot count in rhythm to save his life. By the end of the song, you should find yourself back in a seated position, jogging lightly and recovering at either a 3 or a 4.
Sprints - I Like It Rough / Lady GaGa
:40 bring it up to a run
:56 SPRINT! (20 seconds)
1:28 bring it back to a run
1:44 Sprint! (20 seconds)
2:24 run
2:32 SPRINT! (30 seconds)
Standing charges - Great DJ / The Ting Tings
This is a great one to get out of the saddle and really go powerhouse. By now your legs should be up for it, and all you need is some lung power. During the chorus, bring your standing jog to a run. Do it up every time sexy British lady starts "Imagine all the girls ah ah ah ah ah ah" singin.
The 5's - Fire To Me / Hyper Vs. The Crystal Method
I freakin' love this song. It's about five minutes of wanting to die. After recovering from the standing charges, find your tension at about a 5. Too easy to stand up, but really tough to sit and pedal. In 30 second increments, run for 15 seconds. The first couple times will be fine, but once you get towards the last half of the song, your legs will burn and you'll feel all firey!
Best Pace - Running Out / The Scissor Sisters
Another favorite song of mine. This one is perfect for getting down in the velo position.
Floydy here?? He's down, and ready for action. Just like you should be for this song. The natural driving force of this beat should propel you to just keep going at an even pace. It's not about being super fast, it's about being consistent....

Runnings - Skeleton Boy / Friendly Fires
Halfway through! During the chorus of this song, bring your pace up to a run. Kind of like with the 5's, only perhaps at a lower tension. It breaks up the
monotony of the last routine. It gets your legs a little loose and ready for a hill. And it's a bitch.
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