Do you ever feel so content with life that you experience a compelling urge to spill your soul to anyone who will listen? That's why I have a blog!
I have had one of those weeks, my friends. It has been one of those weeks that if I were a person who journals or writes secret things in a diary, the pages would be doodled on with smiley faces and hearts.
Monday I have zero recollection of anything I did. I am sure it involved eating, working out, and sleeping. Tuesday, however, was a wonderful day. I finally picked a stage name. And I am fully satisfied with my decision. People didn't seem to grasp what a difficult decision it is for an artist to label who they will be for the foreseeable future. Everyone kept drilling me on why I didn't want to stick with Sam Grimes. I am proud of the album I released under my maiden name. I really am. But she's not who I am anymore. I hear that name, and while I respect my past, I had to move on.
Every name I got close to settling on had an issue. One of them I had nearly decided upon and then realized it was the name of some Irish bass guitarist of some band I'd never heard of. When people Google me, I want them to get ONLY ONE rock star. A.k.a. moi!
I know you are all wondering what my new name is, and a privileged few know already. And if you really cared, you'd notice it is written on the video I uploaded on Facebook. So I suppose I could just out myself. I am in the final phase of accepting a recording contract with BiPolar Transmissions out of St. Paul, MN. I will release my full studio album as Samantha Leighton. (Pronounced Lay-ton). No saying "Ugh, that wouldn't be my first choice!" because then you won't get invited to shows! Only kidding, you'll still be invited. Maybe.
Tuesday I booked my first show under my new name. It was this amazing, perfect feeling. Kind of like when an author starts planning their book tour...I felt giddy. I had to celebrate. So it was celebrated with a pitcher of Old Style. Suave!
Wednesday I spent working on music. I went down to my drummer Aaron's practice space in Minneapolis and hammered out the 5 tracks that will be full band on the album. I showed them this new song I wrote, and it gave me chills.
Side note, I wrote a new song. I haven't been able to think of a name for it, yet, but it is my favorite song I've written since getting back into the scene. It's passionate, electric, strong, and smoldering. When I play it, I feel like I am in love with it. Whenever I write music that touches me, it's an overwhelming experience. But this song goes above and beyond that. I am so excited for it.
Thursday more music stuff in the AM. Chores in the PM. I also had my tax appointment and ended up REALLY pleased with the outcome. REALLY PLEASED. Then...a text here, a text there...and my weight has been awesome lately, so we celebrated with Chinese food! Mmm!
Friday, more studio pre-production stuff. I was supposed to go to Duluth to visit my best girlfriends, but the driving situation fell through. I was really bummed, but then Jeff and I decided to have a couple people over for a few beers and hot tubbing! So I went running and had my fastest mile time EVER! 8:40! I know that isn't fast by any means, but for a formerly obese girl who ran her HS mile in 48 minutes, I'm pretty stoked!
When people came over, we realized that our hot tub was set on sleep mode...so it was a frosty 40 F instead of 102 F. No hot tub :(
Now it is Saturday morning...all our guests have left, and I am wondering what to do with my day. It's supposed to get nearly above freezing, and part of me wants to throw on bike shorts (yes shorts) and ride outside...just to say I did the first spring ride of the year in February! Hehe.
Sunday is the superbowl, and seeing as which we now live in Wisconsin, we're going to do the true WI thing and head to the bar for the game. JELLO SHOTS BABY!
I hope you are all as happy as I am. I am just sitting here, elated, smiley, and feeling loved and special. It is truly wonderful.
Side note, my father's birthday is in two days. He would have been 56. If heaven truly does exist, hopefully he is looking down and thinking I rock...Side note on this matter...a memory I was just reminded of surfaced. When my dad was horribly sick from the chemotherapy, he couldn't sleep at night. My bedroom was just down the hallway from his, and I was in my "up all night writing music" phase. I would sit, axe in hand, and record the same riff over and over again, trying to perfect it. He never asked me to turn it down or stop it. I wonder if he knew how that thought sticks with me. I didn't feel real great about my relationship with my dad towards the end, but I know that he loved me. And that is one instance I remember him showing it.
Anywho, I am totally rambling. That's okay though. When I'm happy, I jabber like a little monkey. And today I feel monkeytastic.
Sending love from the Prairie of Stars,
1 comment:
Sam I love your new stage name and can't wait to see you once again in concert! I miss our outings! I also love reading your blog........... I am so happy everything is going great for you!
Love you guys and miss you,
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