It's 7:25 AM...Do you know where your Sam is?
She's right here, yo.
Drinking her coffee.
Enthused for the day ahead...see?

What a weekend. I don't even remember what we did Friday evening. Saturday was the Elk River Hellside mountain bike race. I always get nervous tummy before races...and Saturday morning was no exception. It reminds me of when I used to have gigs all the time. If I didn't watch Office Space the day of and sing every lyric in the car on the way to the show, my stomach would remind me why those are my cliche-musts and punish me for breaking the rules. Granted, mountain biker stomach is a little more forgiving, but not by much.
Anyways, this race has been a favorite since I rode in the rec women's class last year. This year I jumped to the added distance of Advanced Women...and took 1st place. After the race, I went up to Brendan Moore and told him it was a strange event not being lapped by him out on the course...(For those not in our MTB world, Brendan has fetus-calves and is the fastest rider in Minnesota and took 1st in the points for the national calculations. He's pretty much the best of the best and rides for Trek) I remember when Jeff and I started racing last year, people referred to him as if he was some God on two wheels. So of course, wanting to fit in, we joined in on the hero worship. He is, of course, deserving of a little worship, but Jeff and I have had the pleasure of just shooting the breeze with him and his beautiful wife.
He came up to me after my commercial had aired during the Olympics and struck up a conversation with me. Right afterward, about five different people came up to ask me what the Holy Brendan had said. I wonder if that gets old for him?
Thanks to the Buck Hill race series last year, I learned how to be passed by the fast boys without hindering their race or mine. And I think people like him respect that kind of dedication to the sport; to know the rules and the etiquette and really want to better yourself as a racer. I found men like Brendan and a couple of the other expert/comp guys were FAR nicer to me when I jumped up to Expert than some of the women. I kept hearing things like "She really shouldn't do that" or I even heard "Can't believe they even gave her a license". The real reason I jumped up? Just to see if I could. I made it a personal challenge to train for that level. I'm well aware that I'm not as fast or technical as Rebecca Sauber (who is the prettiest mountain biker on the planet, I swear) but I can honestly I was NEVER dfl...(dead f*cking last as the classy kids say). I am proud to say my cardio is awesome and challenging myself to that level forced me to learn better control and technical skill. I am a much better racer now. So sharing the 1st in Advanced podium spot with Brendan Moore of the maley riders was a proud moment...even if people think it is a race that doesn't matter. It mattered to me!
So that was my Saturday. It was also Jeff's birthday. He turned 29 and spent the night giving me attitude about feeling old and boring. All I wanted to do was give him love and express how blessed I feel to have him as my husband and friend, and instead I got Xbox shoulder and snarky remarks. He can be such a crab sometimes.
Sunday was fun, though. I spent the morning writing music and then we celebrated Jeff's birthday with his parents, brother, and sister-in-law. We also celebrated Halloween with candy :)
Another thing I'd like to ramble aimlessly about is my music. After I lost the weight and settled in to wife/mountain biker took a backseat. People kept ragging on me and telling me what a waste it is for me not to be playing out or buried in the studio. It got really old trying to explain how much happier I was in the new version of me. I just wanted a break from trying to impress people. And I couldn't write a clever lyric if a gun was pointed at me. I was drained.
Now I'm alive creatively again. Granted, some of my inspiration is due to my overactive imagination...but a lot of it is due to the lack of pressure. I feel like I'm safe to write whatever I want. I no longer look at my guitar resentfully. I pick it up and out of nowhere...I have words in my mouth.
So that's where this stuff comes from
Modern Severance and the revamp of Make Up My Mind are currently my favorites.
Alright...enough from me. OH I LOST 2 lbs. Okay now that is really it.
Today's mantra? I am going to be the person I want to be today. I am energetic, fit, creative, loving, flirtatious, and kind.
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